Saturday, Jul 17, 2021 @ 7:00 AM

Brooklyn Wildlife Trail Race

42.892909, -89.508171

Belleville, WI 24 Miler, 12 Miler, 6 Miler

This Event Took Place Sat. Jul 17, 2021

    2021 RACE

    We will be sending out rollovers for 2020 to 2021 runners the week of June 20th

    Race is capped at 50 runners

    2022 we are skipping this race

    Stay tuned for 2023 details

    Race Description

    Brooklyn Wildlife is a trail race held on the Montrose and Brooklyn Wildlife Ice Age Trail Segments just south of Madison, Wisconsin. The trail is known for its hills, flora, and fauna throughout the year. Join us this year for a boutique race hosted by Ornery Mule Racing!

    Race will start promptly at 7:00am on July 17th, 2021 at the Ice Age Trailhead on Frenchtown Road (42.892907, -89.508212). Follow Frenchtown Road in, and park along Pillar Road.

    The 6 mile course will be a 3 mile out and back from the start line. The 12 mile course will keep going past the turn around for the 3 mile course to turn around at the end of the Brooklyn Ice Age Trail Segment. The 24 mile course will be the 12 mile course, twice.

    2nd Annual Brooklyn Wildlife Trail Race

    Another stunning segment of Wisconsin’s iconic Ice Age Trail! Out and back over 24, 12, or 6 miles of mostly smooth rolling single and double track trail along beautiful prairie, meadow marshes, thick forest, majestic oak ridges, and gorgeous wildflower patches.

    Close to Madison, just south of Verona and Oregon, and nestled nicely between the quaint Wisconsin communities of Paoli, Belleville, and Brooklyn.

    All distances qualify for Ornery Mule Racing's Run Your Ass Off Trail Running Series!

    Ideal for runners training for marathons or ultras.

    Donations and a portion of race proceeds go to the Ice Age Trail Alliance to help maintain and develop the Ice Age Trail.

    Brooklyn Wildlife Sights & Sounds

    Event's current local time: 8:53 PM CT


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