Saturday, Dec 1, 2018
This Event Took Place Sat. Dec 1, 2018

Run for the Health of it!

We want to stay healthy. We want to make a difference. We are not only an active outdoor community but also a community of people who truly care about each other. “Trails to Hope” is a trail running series founded to build awareness to the needs in our own community and raise money for local charities who give Hope to those in need. The "Trails to Hope" series is open to the competitive and non-competitive runner as well as those who like to hike and enjoy the outdoors. Proceeds from this race will go to Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan.

This event takes place at NIGHT and is the final event in a series of 3 races. Make sure you bring a HEADLAMP! The trail will be lit up with glow sticks and finish with a special luminary display. You can choose to participate in 1,2, or 3 of the races to be eligible for the series awards.

Overall winners and age group awards for the "Trails to Hope" series will be given out at the end of this event. More information about the series and how it is scored can be found on the website.

If you sign up for all 3 events you will receive a $15.00 discount. This can be applied by registering for Trails to Hope Series-#3 and using the code "Series." This code can only be applied if you are registerd for the first two events. If you have any questions please email

Each participant will receive a long sleeve shirt and finisher medal.

Event's current local time: 11:25 AM ET


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