Alexander County 6/12/24 Hour
April 15, 2023 - There will be 40 slots for the 24-hour event, 20 slots for the 12-hour event, and 20 slots for the 6-hour event. All contests begin together at 8:00 a.m. on the Alexander Central High School Track in Taylorsville, NC. The Alexander County team of staff and volunteers has successfully hosted many successful events in Alexander County over the years including the inaugural Alexander County 24-hour in 2021 and the popular Vertical Mile Challenge races at Rocky Face Mountain Recreational Area in Hiddenite, NC.
Race Collaborators
Collaborators for the race include:
Brandon Wilson, an NC-based USATF/RRTC Certifier and IAAF/AIMS (A) measurer and USATF official. Brandon will be assisting with various logistical and planning aspects of the race including certifying the track with governing bodies USATF and IAAF. Brandon has been involved in many fixed-time ultras over the last 10 years and has officiated races, certified courses, and timed events producing National records and world's best performances including both recent 100-mile world's bests records by Camille Herron in Vienna, IL, and Zach Bitter in Milwaukee, WI.
Brad Smythe is with Clockwork Race Timing. Brad is an NC-based USATF/RRTC Certifier and IAAF/AIMS (B) measurer who will be providing live chip timing for participants. Brad has been part of the NC Ultra community going on 20 years and is currently 15th for all-time mileage at the Hinson Lake 24 Hour. Brad has been a race timer for many years and has timed hundreds of events including other NC-based fixed time races such as the Cape Fear 24 Hour and Hinson Lake 24 Hour.
You can expect this team to put on a first-class, USATF sanctioned, certified event that will be records eligible. Every aspect of the event will be fine-tuned to ensure athletes aiming for the National Team or a PR are provided the best venue and opportunity for doing so.
The field of competition will be limited to 80 participants, including (40) 24-Hour, (20) 12-Hour, and (20) 6-Hour.
Due to the small field size, we cannot extend comp entries to any athlete. If the event reaches capacity, a waitlist will be maintained. If any participant withdraws from the race, unfilled spots will be offered to waitlisted participants. T-shirts are included in the registration; however, March 19 is the deadline to order shirts, so sizes may vary for those who register on March 20 or later.
Aid Station
There will be a basic aid station with water, electrolyte drinks, and basic pre-packaged, single-serve/self-serve food. There will be limited hot food consisting of pizza at night, broth, soup, and coffee. Athletes should come prepared to take care of any special dietary needs and bring any additional food items they require. The race will provide a basic aid station designed to assist an athlete with nutrition. The aid station will not be set up to serve 3 meals during the event.
There will be floodlighting at the track so runners should not need to wear a headlamp. Port-a-jons will be conveniently located adjacent to the track to ensure that competitive athletes can quickly and conveniently access restroom facilities.
The event is open to athletes of all levels. All athletes will have access to all 6 lanes during the competition; however, participants not entered for the purposes of competing for a top slot or record are asked (not required) to yield lane 1 to athletes competing for team spots or records
Awards will be presented to 1st Overall Male and 1st Overall Female in each contest. All athletes completing 100 miles or more will receive a custom belt buckle.
Distance ties will be broken by the athlete who completed the distance in the least clock time based on gun start time.
All of the USATF rules of competition apply and will be strictly enforced, including no pacers.
Final results will be reported to USATF and UltraSignup.
All National records achieved will be reported to USATF for ratification within 10 calendar days from the conclusion of competition. All World’s best records performances will be reported to the IAU for ratification within 10 calendar days from the conclusion of the competition.
Event's current local time: 10:27 AM ET