67 Races
6 Trophies
Tommyknocker 12-Hour & The Mine Shaft Half - 12hrs - Golden, CO
Dusk to Dawn Trail Run - 12hrs - Red Grade Rd., WY
Sawmill 17 & 50K+ - 17 Miler - Golden, CO
Rocky Mountain Double Marathon - 50K - Laramie, WY
The Bighorn Mountain Wild and Scenic Trail Run - 32 Miler - Dayton, WY
Le Grizz - 50 Miler - Polebridge, MT
Oil Creek - 100K - Titusville, PA
Howl at the Moon 8-hour Ultra Run & Walk - 8hrs - Danville, IL
CRUD - 8hrs - Brimfield, IL
Land between the Lakes - 60K - Grand Rivers, KY
Howl at the Moon 8-hour Ultra Run & Walk - 8hrs - Danville, IL
CRUD - 8hrs - Brimfield, IL
Rock Cut Hobo Rendezvous - 50K - Rockford, IL
Howl at the Moon 8-hour Ultra Run & Walk - 8hrs - Danville, IL
Land between the Lakes - 60K - Grand Rivers, KY
Rock Cut Hobo Rendezvous - 50K - Rockford, IL
Howl at the Moon 8-hour Ultra Run & Walk - 8hrs - Danville, IL
Cornbelt - 24hrs - Eldridge, IA
Umstead - 50 Miler - Raleigh, NC
Sangre de Cristo Ultras - 50K - Westcliffe, CO