Email sent to registered runners as of 4:00PM 11/4
Hello Super Cross County Trail Runners!
The forecast for Sunday calls for a cool morning - low of 31 and high of 58 for the day. Great weather for fast running at the eighth annual race. The day should be fun, fun, fun with great potential for PRs!!! As the day warms up feel free to drop extra (and sweaty!) clothes at the 8.4/13.1/21.5 mile marks which is the start/finish location. Please then remember to collect those clothes after you finish. And to think you also get to sleep an extra hour due to the time change - can the day get any better!
Packet Pickup:
Saturday night pre-race packet pickup will be conducted at the Holiday Inn Express at 6401 Brandon Ave, Springfield, VA 22150 from 5:00-6:00PM. This hotel is just minutes away from the race start line.
Sunday morning packet pickup commences at 7:15 at the race start/finish.
Parking and Driving:
Please put 7578 Accotink Park Road Springfield, VA 22150 into your GPS unit/phone. This address gets you to the park front gate which will open at 7AM on race morning. Drive 0.7 miles from the gate to get to the large parking lot where the race start/finish is located.
Please note that the park gates don't open until 7:00AM race morning so there is no reason to get to the park before 7:00AM. The marathon starts at 8:00AM, and the half marathon starts at 8:30AM. Marathoners - if you expect to take more than seven and a half hours to complete the race you need to start early which for this race is 7:30AM.
The race web page is
There is a port-o-let or real restrooms at each aid station.
Please check out the course and aid station info on the race registration page at Simply click on one of the small pictures on the registration page and the picture will pop up to full size. You can then scroll through all the pictures by clicking on the left or right arrows. You can then read the writing on the pictures and observe the course path. The course will be well marked with pinkish colored confidence ribbons and arrow signs and it will be very difficult to go off course, but having some course familiarity is always a plus!
There will be trash bags set up after each aid station for cups, gel packs, trash, etc. Please do not drop cups on the ground past the aid station trash bags. Thanks in advance to the wonderful Lee High School students who will make up the bulk of the race volunteers. It goes without saying that if you are sick please do not attend the race. If you are sick the good news is that you can use your 2021 Cross County entry at a future Altis Endurance Sports race - just email Mike. There will be cookies, chips, candies, water, and gatorade at each aid station. Yes, you could actually gain weight by running this race. Again, don't forget to "fall back" and get that extra hour of sleep before the race.
If you have any questions - preferably before Saturday when we will have limited connectivity - please email Mike or Frank at See you soon!!!
Race Information for the 2021 event
The Cross County Trail is a good one! Please register for the race if you would like to enjoy the wonderful trail with other runners and super volunteers at the eighth annual edition of the race to be held on Sunday November 7th. Due to asphalt paving in recent years the flat course is about 75% paved at present. About 25% of the course is dirt/gravel with good footing.
The race web page is located at
The race start/finish is at the Lake Accotink front entrance parking lot located seven tenths of a mile past the park entrance at 7578 Lake Accotink Road Springfield, VA 22150.
Event's current local time: 7:19 PM ET