Saturday, Sep 30, 2017 @ 6:00 AM

Children of the Cane

610 Rosedale Rd

Port Allen, LA 100 Miler, 100K, 50K, 20 Miler, 10 Miler

This Event Took Place Sat. Sep 30, 2017

COTC 2022 - The 8th Year:

Don't be fooled by the near-zero elevation gain of Port Allen, Louisiana. This is one of the flattest yet most brutal and challenging ultra courses around, and your legs will be tortured. Although not an easy course if you are looking to PR this race is made for you. 1st Year Winner Alan Abbs who has run over 120+ Ultras dropped 40 minutes of his PR!
We have created a course that is challenging, ever changing, and sure to excite all runners. You will experience some of the South's deepest history while running on the property of multiple sugar cane plantations. Well, isn't that cool? Whether you're running the 50k, 50mi, 100k, or the 100-miler, we have some creepy, cool routes for each section.

-All 100-mile finishers receive a CHILDREN OF THE CANE Pewter buckle or Antique Cooper. Also, until we run out, special 100 Miles - One Day as well:
Sub 24 - Black & Pewter or Red & Pewter
Sub 20 - Silver
Sub 18 - Gold
All Pictured in scroll.

All Runners will get a super soft Tri-blend canvas shirt. You Will want to wear this one, folks.

Aid stations will be fully stocked with typical ultra foods and Louisiana specialties. Think BEST ultra race food ever. Fluids will be plentiful.


All distances will run the the same 16.66mi loop course.
100 Miler* (6 Loops)
100 K (4 Loops)
50 Miler (3 Loops)
50 K (2 Loops)
16.666mi (1 Loop)
Running Direction:
All distances will run...
-ODD Loops Clockwise
-EVEN Loops Counter Clockwise.

*The 100 Mile course will have a special section (.3mi) added to the final lap (6) traverse through the ruins of Catherine Sugar Cane Mill and into the smokestack to be one of the few to sign the book, "The Alchemist".

Course Terrain by sections... start to 5mi sugar cane field dirt roads (easy), 5mi to 5.75mi railroad tracks (miserable for most), 5.75mi to 7mi sugar cane field dirt roads (easy), 7mi to 8mi railroad tracks and gravel road (meh), 8mi to 8.5mi sugar cane field dirt roads (easy), 8.5mi to 16mi gravel levee top (fast but hurts later in race), 16mi to 16.66mi sugar cane field dirt roads (easy).


Friends and family can follow your entire journey in real-time 24/7 during your race!


Checkout this video to see how it works.
COST: This cost is now built in to your registration fee. The cost is roughly $20 per a runner and thus you will notice an appropriate increase in the listed pricing for 2022. This is also a required!
*Upon completion of the event each runner and relay team will be required to return the device or they will be charged all incurred fees from the tracking company.

Open Site / Click Participants
Click Pin Drop Icon to see all participants.

Once a RUNNER is selected you can view splits from exchanges, time of day those points were met and even zoom in on the map to see exactly what runners see.

*All runners are responsible for having a way to carry their tracker. Recommended options: 1. tape to outside of pack or on hand held. 2. place in upper pocket of pack. 3. pass as a baton (meh). 4. Never place in bottom of pack.
Trackers need a clear line of sight to the sky for proper signal.
How To Setup Your Tracker:


The Block Fit
Dr. Kasey Hill with Power Running & Ochsner Health Systems
TruBlue Water
Varsity Sports
Brew Ha-Ha Coffee Shop

100 Mile - Right Of Passage

Since the beginning, runners of the 100 mile COTC have been treated to a "right of passage" at roughly miles 92. All 100 milers will venture through centuries old sugar mill ruins on their way to write about their journey in one of the two journal books, "Bright's Passage" or "The Alchemist". This is your chance to become become part of one of the few. This journey will add about .40 to the last loop.

Cutoffs / Limits:

16.66mi - 10 hours
50k - 15 hours
50m - 20 hours
100k - 25 hours
100m - 34 hours

All Distances have cut off times but if someone is close to the finish the Race Director has the Sole Discretion to allow the runner to Finish Unofficially.

Relay Options:


2 Person / 3 Person / 6 Person

Runner will trade of legs while passing their teams Live Tracker.

Out Sections Legs: 4.5mi, 3.5mi, 7.7mi
Back Sections Legs: 7.7mi, 3.5mi, 7.7mi

2 Person: 50mi ea.
3 Person: 33.33mi ea
6 Person: 16.66mi ea
Approximate distances based on averages. Actual depends on legs run.


We will have a fine staff of "The CHILDREN" stalking and terrorizing you throughout the race…oh wait, I meant they will be waiting on you hand and foot at every aid station! Keep in mind that most people you will encounter on at Aid Stations and along the course are Volunteers and have given freely of their time to wipe your nose, fill your bottle and heal your nasty blister and chaffing bodies; so be nice! If you are mad at anyone be mad at yourself your asking to be tortured!

VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED select the Green VOLUNTEER link next to the registration link at top of the page!

Packet Pickup / Check-in:

Saturday ONLY at race site.

We will start giving out packets and trackers at 4:45am.

Must be checked in 30 minutes before race start!

Crew & Pacers:

Crew: All racers are welcome to have crew at the S/F or AID 1 throughout the race. Pacers: Pacers will be allowed for the 100-mile runners only, starting after the runner reaches Aid Station 2 on Lap 4 (59 miles) or the start of the runners 5th Loop.
These options will allow for pacing 41 miles or 33.33miles.
All Pacers are required to sign a waiver pre-race, check-in with race staff and obtain a pacer bib.
*No biking pacers!

Start Time:

All races will start at 6:00am.

Aid Stations, Water Drops & Drop Bags

Aid Stations:
There will be 2 Aid Stations TOTAL on each loop and this includes the Start/Finish.
You will see these stations at these miles on each odd loop:
Aid Station 1: Mile 7.8
Main Aid: Start, Mile 16.66mi, Finish

Water/Limited Nutrition Drops:
Water Drop 1: 4.5mi
Water Drop 2: 12.5mi

Drop Bags:
You are welcome to have a SMALL Drop Bag for each Aid Station and Water Drop location. Please make sure your drop bags are labeled with your NAME/DISTANCE/BIB and Location for DROP i.e. Aid 1, Water Drop 1 etc.

WARNING: Please keep in mind that water drops are unmanned and run the risk of vandalization. We are not responsible for lost gear.


NO Refunds or Rain Checks or Transfers to Other Runners will be available.
However, If you should desire to drop down in distance you may do so until race start.
If you decide to drop while racing you will be counted as DNF for the distance you registered. Thanks for your understating.


Daily high temperatures decrease by 7°F, from 75°F to 68°F, rarely falling below 55°F or exceeding 83°F. Daily low temperatures decrease by 6°F, from 54°F to 48°F, rarely falling below 34°F or exceeding 67°F.,or%20exceeding%2067%C2%B0F.

Terrain Warning:

This course is very flat yet will be very challenging. What to expect greatly depends on the current weather conditions.

Some things to dream about…
-Soft Ball size chunks of dirt from grating tractors.
-Holes knee deep from tractors driving in to rain.
-Up/Down, Up/Down etc running over the top of rows of cane.
-High Growth Sugar Cane; can be sharp and will leave you smiling for days!
-Powdery dirt that floats and blows with the wind.
-Whole Fields on fire to burn the foliage off the cane.
-Rock roads on the Levee top.
-Mud for Days; if it rains…and I hope it does, the course will be the toughest race in the World…think 10% Finish Rate!

Recommended Gear:

-Shoes with rock plates or high stack height...the gravel on the levee top will do a number on your feet! 8 miles of limestone and gravel is not your friend.
-Head Lamps: All runners be should prepare for a full hour of darkness.
-Extra Batteries
-Hydration Minimum: 1 Bottle or bladder totaling a minimum of 24oz.
-Sunscreen, Sunglasses & Hat: Very little shade in Sugar Cane Fields.
-Preferred Hydration and Nutrition.
-Proper Weather Gear: Louisiana is very humid. 45 degrees at night in the damp cane fields feels like high 20s. The wind on the levee top can be rough. Warm gear and windbreakers are a must!

Runners' Testimonials

"Why you should run the Children of the Cane 100M/100K/50K:
1) It is a good reason to go to Louisiana in the fall, and to New Orleans after the race
2) You get to run through sugar plantations
3) You get to run along the Mississippi River
4) You get to run on railroad tracks
5) You can be old like me and still possibly PR a 100 (I did by 40 minutes)
6) Louisianans have pretty cool accents and they are nice people
7) The aid stations were great, and the course was well marked
8) Did I mention New Orleans?
9) The t shirt and buckle are keepers!"
- Alan Abbs - Sacramento, California 130+ Ultra Races (2015 COTC Winner)

"This race is held in a place that makes me feel relaxed and free. The cane rows are majestic and full of energy. It is peaceful and beautiful. Aid stations were helpful with the best foods and snacks and helped me change socks and shoes several times. They even brought my specialized ice chest and had it for me ready at two aid stations. I plan on doing both these races every year until I retire from running. Variety of scenery from Sugar Cane Fields and running along the banks of the Mississippi River to running down railroad tracks and rutted up field rows. Almost the entire race you can see the state capital across the majestic Mississippi!"
- Jason Cheek - Baton Rouge, La (1st time 100 Miler - finished COTC in 19hr44min!!!)

Event's current local time: 4:13 AM CT


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