Saturday, Oct 27, 2018
This Event Took Place Sat. Oct 27, 2018


Yeti NIGHTmare Race Promo from Jeff Marier on Vimeo.

Chattanooga YETI NIGHTmare 5/10 Miler

What is better than trail running?
Trail running at night on private trails with 300 of your new friends with bands, beer and shenanigans.

After 6 years of a sell out race in Atlanta, the Yeti NIGHTMARE is expanding to Chattanooga and maybe beyond!
This race sells out in minutes because it is a fun, fast, safe, OVERLY MARKED, friendly party environment that loosely involves trail running. This race in part helps benefit the Chattanooga Nature Center as a non profit.

From Sean Run Bum Blanton the Race director -
" 6 years ago Jason Green of Yeti Trail Runners and myself came together to create an insanely fun event. The goal was to bring people into trail running and have already season trail runners alike baffled by the amount of fun they could have at a race. We never do the same thing twice and you never know what to expect. We have had rain, live bands, djs, a bunch of craft breweries, and even a Michael Jackson impersonator band. you're guaranteed to have fun! This is more of an 18 yr old and up party but we welcome everyone. Finally we will have camping at the start finish that you can buy. This directly goes to the Nature center. Its the weekend before halloween so its bound to be crazy fun!"


This race runs entirely on the Chattanooga Nature Center's private trails. The race will be a 5 mile loop or a single 10 mile loop (weather permitting as after heavy rain some trails are under water which would result in 2 x 5 mile loops). The race will be flagging with lights etc on it so you CAN NOT GET LOST!
This race is meant to be easy so you will not be going straight up and down a mountain. Is it flat? No. but its rolling hills with some short climbs. I would call it flat as a mountain runner but hilly for a road runner.

What do you get?

This race is about the fun of the race, the course and the experience. We do give all runners a pint glass for finishing and a shirt for starting the race. We have post race beer for free as well for those 21 yr and older! We have top 3 male n female awards for both races.

This is a trail race not a road race so no mile marker signs, all mileage is ish, and hug and high five all finishers. There is a reason that ALL of my races sell out and we have built an amazing community. COME BE PART OF IT!

Event's current local time: 6:23 AM ET


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