Saturday, Feb 23, 2019 @ 9:00 AM

Winter Loops

345 John R rd.

Rochester Hills, MI 4hrs, 2hrs

This Event Took Place Sat. Feb 23, 2019


Participant Cap = 125

**Race day registration = 2hr/$75 and 4hr/$95 CASH or CHECK ONLY
This is a 1.5 mile loop through the DIRT trails… each loop will end in the Stone Shelter. There will be a nice fire inside the Shelter where you can run right through… warm your hands… change up your layers. It’s going to be FUN!!
KEEP IN MIND… This is Michigan. Trail conditions could be snow covered, icy, muddy. Weather could be snowy, rainy, cold, freezing.  Be prepared for the worst and hope for the best!!

2 and 4 hour timed race means… You can do as many loops as you can or want in the allotted time. If you’re going for a certain distance… stop when you reach it!
You MUST finish in the 2 or 4 hour time limit (any loops after will NOT count).

DATE: Sunday, February 19, 2023
**Icy, snowy, muddy trails are not a reason to cancel... will run in all conditions**

TIME: Everyone starts at 9:00 am

Time Limits:
2 Hour: 9:00 am – 11:00 am
4 Hour: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

DISTANCE: TIMED EVENT… you have control of your distance!!

LOCATION: Bloomer Park
345 John R Rd., Rochester Hills, MI. 48307

START/FINISH: Stone Shelter= first shelter on left once you pass pay booth

Bloomer Park Entry Fee: $5.00

This event will be CHIP TIMED.

Aid Station:  Start/ finish (every 1.5 miles you will have aid… no need to carry anything)
Water and Gatorade.
The Stone Shelter has plenty of room to Drop Off any specialties you may need/want during race.
Race day only: 7:30 am – 8:45 am

TIMING: Chip Timing,
Keeps track of loops and finish time

Winter Hat
Finisher Medal
Post Food = Hot Soup
Top male/female overall award for 2 hour & 4 hour

Event's current local time: 11:25 AM ET


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