Saturday, Nov 23, 2019 @ 7:00 AM
This Event Took Place Sat. Nov 23, 2019

Race Information

The Little Gunpowder 50k is an out-and-back ultramarathon. We charge a small fee for food and drinks. The race runs along the Little Gunpowder trail system and is mainly single track trail with a few short connecting sections of paved roads. The race begins and ends at the historic Jerusalem Mill in Kingsville, Maryland.

All money left over will be donated to the Friends of Jerusalem Mill. The organization works very hard to care for the trails, so please consider bringing an additional donation.

The race starts at 7am and finishes at 4pm (9 hour cut-off). We have a hard cut-off at the half way point of 4 hours. If you arrive at the half-way point after 11:00, you'll be instructed to take the short route back to the start/finish. The Gunpowder trail provides various challenges ranging from leaf covered rocky terrain to precipitous trails with questionable blazes. The course will be marked with blue and white striped surveyor’s ribbon. We recommend you carry a cell phone.

We will operate 3 small aid stations (7 total being an out-n-back course with turnaround): Aid Stations: 5 and 26 Miles – Harford Road; 8, 15.5 (turnaround) and 23 Miles – Bottom Road Bridge; 12.5 and 18.5 Miles – Pleasantville Road.

For additional information please contact Ron Green at

Event's current local time: 7:31 PM ET


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