Saturday, Nov 7, 2020

Miner 49er

8991 Bellevue Heights Rd.

Dubuque, IA 50K, 25K

This Event Took Place Sat. Nov 7, 2020

Course Description

Welcome to the beautiful Mines of Spain, home of the 6th Annual Miner 49er endurance runs. On the course you will run on lots of single track, some double, and even some prairie trail. You will have views of the historic Julien Dubuque Monument, the very popular Horseshoe Bluff, and the beautiful Mississippi River. The race course is a 25k out and back with approximately 2200 feet of elevation gain. The 50k runners will have the privilege of doing this twice with approximately 4400 feet of gain. You will be challenged by stone steps, stream crossings, and the usual rocks and roots that can trip you up without  notice. The course will have three aid stations that will be stocked with all the usual "ultra event" nutrition. Since, this is being held in a public park there may be non-race traffic out on the trails and in the area. Be respectful and give them a friendly wave as you pass by.***Refund policy***I understand that race registration fees are not refundable under any circumstance, race registrations are not transferable to other participants or to a future years event. Please consider these factors carefully before completing your registration.

Cut off

The cut off for both events is 5pm.

Other info

Changing race distance after you register:
50k to 25k you need to confirm with race director BEFORE START OF RACE . There are no refunds
for switching.

If a last minute decision is made to switch 25k to 50k you will need to verify with the race director and pay the difference of final registration price.

There are no pacers allowed for either event.

Packet pick up

Packet pick up will be held at the EB Lyons Interpretive Center at 8991 Bellevue Heights Rd on Friday November 1st from 6 pm to 7:30pm. There will also be packet pick up Saturday morning from 7 am to 7:45 am. No same day registration available.

Event's current local time: 3:45 AM CT


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