The eleventh annual Cloudsplitter 100 will take place on High Knob, deep in the heart of Central Appalachia, during the weekend of October 12-13, 2024. High Knob is located at the highest point in the Cumberland Mountains at an elevation of 4,223 feet above sea level. The 100 mile course, as well as the accompanying 100k, 50k and 25k distances, will wind along rugged, rocky, and remote trails within the Jefferson National Forest. Although parts of this region have been developed, strip mined or heavily logged, High Knob remains relatively untouched, and it is home to some of the greatest diversity of plant life in the Commonwealth of Virginia, making it a true ecological treasure. The unique trails on High Knob pass through dense forest land dotted with cliffs, dozens of water crossings, waterfalls, rock shelters, tangled rhododendron thickets, caves, and enormous sandstone boulders. This is one of the most physically demanding trails in the East, and it remains a significant unprotected wilderness area. On a clear day four other states can be seen from the High Knob summit: West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina. Due to the difficulty of the 100 mile course, the cutoff time will be 40 hours. Start times for all race distances will be at 8:00 a.m. Finishers of the 100 mile distance will be awarded six (6) points toward UTMB, and 100k finishers will be awarded four (4) points.
Event's current local time: 7:07 PM ET