Event Cancelation Disclaimer
AllWeDoIsRun is optimistic that this event will happen as planned. However, it is important that we all understand and agree that everything is fluid and unforeseen challenges and changes may happen in the future.
AllWeDoIsRun is constantly monitoring, educating and interacting with our local, state and national health care officials, permit holders and venue property owners regarding COVID19, wild land fires and Safe Trail Running and Racing.
With the current social, medical and legal instabilities, it is impossible to guarantee that this event will happen as planned.
AllWeDoIsRun will conduct this event only if safe and legal as described by the CDC, state and local authorities.
AllWeDoIsRun, USDA, USFS and the venue property owners reserve the right to amend and or cancel this event at anytime.
Welcome to the run!
Drum Canyon Ranch Trail Run is presented by AllWeDoIsRun.
Saturday, March 20, 2021 Drum Canyon Ranch, Lompoc California.
Drum Canyon Ranch is a privately owned property located on the California Central Coast. Nestled deep in the Santa Rita Hills wine region of Northern Santa Barbara County, the early winter climate is ideal for running and hiking.
The Drum Canyon Ranch Trail Run features multiple distances to suit trail enthusiasts of every experience level.
7:00am - 50km run start
8:00am - 25km run start
9:00am - 10km run start
10:00am - 5km run start
The single direction 10km trail loop course is 100% dirt and very runnable, subject to weather. The surface is fast, hard pack ranch roads and single track trail. Well stocked aid stations are located approximately every three miles. Elevation Gain / Loss 1956ft - 1962ft per 10km loop.
All participants will receive a custom souvenir tee shirt, bandana face covering and an AllWeDoIsRun cap. Awards will be presented to the top male and female in each division.
This small event is designed to be sensitive to the hazards of Covid-19. This event will include the suggested Covid-19 mitigation guidelines set by the Race Directors Alliance.
No refunds. No transfers. No deferrals. No exceptions.
Parking and Camping
Parking is free. No reservations required. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, there will be no overnight camping. Thank you for your understanding.
Event's current local time: 4:28 PM PT