Checkout www.RunLOViT.com for more details and photos.
Live Race Tracking at track.runlovit.com
LOViT 100 Mile - Saturday, February 22rd – 6AM – 34 hr cutoff (20:24 min/mile pace)/4PM Sunday
LOViT 100k – Saturday, February 22th – 6AM – 21 hr cutoff (20:16 min/mile pace)/3AM Sunday
The Lake Ouachita Vista Trail (LOViT) Endurance Runs feature rocky, rolling hills and ridgelines that will take you along the southern rim of one of America’s most pristine freshwater lakes and through the ruggedly beautiful Ouachita National Forest. The racecourse follows out and back sections along the single track trail - one of only 40 worldwide trails to receive the IMBA Epic Trail designation. The terrain is challenging, the views are amazing. Come find your LIMiT on the LOViT.
Please note: This is a challenging distance on a difficult trail. It is crucial that you physically and mentally prepare for the stresses of the race through adequate training and preparation. YOU, the runner, are responsible for your own well-being during the race.
2:00-7:00 PM – 100 Mile &100K Early Packet Pickup – East Cove Pavilion
4:00-5:30 AM – 100M &100k Packet Pickup – East Cove Pavilion
5:30 AM – 100M and 100k Pre Race Meeting – East Cove Pavilion
6:00 AM – 100M & 100k Race Start – East Cove Pavilion
Participants will receive an event shirt, custom race swag, and the experience of a supported run through the Ouachita Mountains with 6 manned aid stations on the 100k course and 10 manned aid stations on the 100 mile course - many that you will cross multiple times (see course map at www.runlovit.com/course). 100k finishers will receive a medal and 100 Mile finishers a custom finisher's buckle to commemorate their accomplishment.
Awards will be given to the top three overall male/female finishers in the 100k and 100 Mile distances.
Event proceeds are invested in trail development in the Ouachita National Forest and the greater Hot Springs area. 2014 race proceeds helped fund the completion of the Lake Ouachita Vista Trail. Run LOViT Endurance Events is a 501(c)3 nonprofit under the umbrella of the RRCA IRS exemption. The LOViT runs are non-commerical fundraisers that benefit the local trail community.
Avg High 60F, Avg Low 35F
You will be running in the dark. You should bring a light source and back up batteries. At this time of year, the average sunrise is 6:45 AM and the average sunset is 6:00 PM.
What do I need to bring? At very minimum, all racers will be required to carry a water bottle or hydration pack AND a light (flashlight or headlamp). Due to the remote nature of parts of the trail, runners will not be allowed on the course without a way to carry water. We strongly suggest you carry a backup light with you at all times.
How tough is the course? Terrain = hilly, total climb between 50 and 150 feet per mile (2500 - 7500 feet in 50 miles), Surface = trail or dirt road with substantial rocks, roots and/or ruts
Pacing & Safety Runners
Due to the remote nature of sections of the course, pacers will be allowed during portions of the race. Safety runners can be picked/switched at crewable aid stations in the pacing sections. Runners 60 years and older may have a safety runner from the start with permission from the Race Director prior to the race. Runners may only have one safety runner at a time, pacers must sign a wavier at event check-in or aid station and be assigned a bib.
100k Safety Runners can be picked up/switched out at the following aid stations: Brady Mountain Road (return trip ONLY - approx mile 37) and Crystal Springs Pavilion (approx mile 48).
100 Mile Safety Runners can be picked up/switched out at the following aid stations: Brady Mountain Road (2nd crossing - approx mile 42.5), Crystal Springs Pavilion (approx mile 53.5), Charlton (approx mile 58), Joplin Road Crossing (approx 70.5), ADA (approx mile 81), Joplin Road Crossing (approx mile 91)
Drop Bags
Drop bags are reasonably sized boxes or bags containing your personal items to resupply you during the race. Items you bring will be distributed to the following aid stations: Start/Finish; Tompkin's Bend (100 Mile ONLY!); Crystal Springs Pavilion; Spillway. Refer to the chart below for approx. mileage. Drop bags MUST be labeled be labeled with YOUR NAME, YOUR RACE NUMBER and the AID STATION NAME. Drop bags will be returned to the finish in the following time frame:
Tompkin's Bend - as soon as the final runner clears the station.
Crystal Springs Pavilion - 1st load 6:30 PM; remaining bags - after the final runner has cleared the station
Spillway - 1st load 3:00PM; remaining bags - after the final runner has cleared the station
Bags will be available for pickup at the awards banquet Sunday morning. All uncollected items will be donated the week after the race.
Aid Stations
(locations and accommodations available at runlovit.com/course)
Aid stations will have standard ultra food (bananas, pretzels, potatoes, chips, water, Tailwind Nutrition, etc.). If you have special dietary restrictions, please plan accordingly.
Official Race Lodging Sponsor: Mountain Harbor Resort - Arkansas's #1 rated resort (race starts & finishes on Mountain Harbor Resort Property) Special rates available to race participants: http://www.mountainharborresort.com/
Shangri La Resort (6 miles west of race start/finish): http://www.shangrilaresortar.com/
Crystal Springs Resort (12 miles east of race start/finish): http://www.crystalspringsresort.com/
Brady Mountain Resort (20 miles east of race start/finish): http://bradymountainmarina.com/
Camping: Mountain Harbor Resort will allow tent camping at the start finish area for a fee. Access to bathrooms and showers are available. No electricity or water hookups.
Lots of hotel options in Hot Springs (27 miles east of race start/finish)
Cancellation Policy
If forces beyond our control lead to the cancellation of this event, it is possible that you will receive no refund of your entry fee. We will, however, endeavor to issue refunds or make other compensation to the extent funds are available to do so.
The occurrences that can cause a race cancellation are not predictable. Cancellations could potentially occur when there is a serious threat to the safety of runners and volunteers such as forest fires, severe winter weather, tornadoes, or in the event of a national emergency. These generally occur with little advance notice. As race organizers, we are at the mercy of these events. Run LOViT Endurance Events is a volunteer, non-profit organization. Our events are costly because they provide quality support, apparel, and awards. We cannot absorb all of these costs and take the risk of cancellation by ourselves. Consequently, the effect of our policy is that the entrants to an event must share in the risk that it will be cancelled. Please understand this when you enter our event.
Here is the policy we expect to follow when a case is subject to cancellation. Each situation is different so these are only guidelines.
Keeping You Informed: We will try to keep entrants informed when there is a potential for cancellation. We will likely use email, Facebook, Twitter and our website to do this.
Reimbursement: In the event that a race is cancelled, we cannot promise any refund. We will first pay all outstanding bills associated with the event that we cannot cancel or legally avoid. If there is money left over after paying the expenses we have incurred, we will try to make a reimbursement to runners from the remaining entry fees available to us. The closer the cancellation is to the race date, the less likely there will be any reimbursement and if a race is stopped while in progress, there will be no reimbursement. If the amount of the refund is small, we may not bother with it, or we may only give credit toward future entry fees.
Rescheduling: Rescheduling the event is unlikely given the complexity of putting on an ultra or trail run, and that there are other events scheduled for other weekends, but may be done on a case by case basis. If we do reschedule, we will not likely be able to give you a refund if you withdraw from the event.
If I need to cancel my entry due to injury, illness or scheduling conflict, can I get a refund? See the refund schedule policy at www.runlovit.com/details.
Event's current local time: 6:29 PM CT