February 1 - 28, 2022

Satans Sidewalk


66.66K, Frozen Folly 66.66 hour (Outdoors Only), 66.6hrs

This Event Took Place Mon. Feb 28, 2022

Satan's Sidewalk? What is This?

Winter in New England is cold, dark, and bleak. Wind bites at the exposed flesh, making it hard to get good long runs in. To spice up your winter training, consider Satan's Sidewalk. The brain child of Wally Watermelon, Satan's Sidewalk is a 66.6 Hour or 66.66k Treadmill Odyssey through fire, brimstone, and masochistic purgatory, running in place for mile, after mile, after mile, after mile. The 66.6 hour allows one to take breaks for food, work, sleep, etc. 66.66K is a fixed distance race. **NOTE: If you register after December 20th, SWAG and medal/buckle is not guaranteed**

Frozen Folly Option Continues for 2025

Due to many states enforcing stricter lockdowns, and the fact that not all of us have access to a treadmill a Frozen Folly 66.6 hour option OUTDOOR only was added in 2021 and will continue in 2025. For this version, dumbasses may only run OUTSIDE. Whether it be 5 degrees, -15 degrees, or 77 degrees (F you, Florida! : kiddingish). Treadmill divisions obviously must run their miles on the dreadmill.. SATAN'S SIDEWALK. For "Outdoor Only" victi-- Participants.. Wally is Watching! We cannot control you, but we can suggest you try to stick to 1 mile radius from your domicile. After all.. you're gonna have to eat, pee, poop. And it's gonna be cold and dark AF. Hoping in these crazy circumstances, you can find a way to participate and challenge yourself, and support a great cause!

How Does it Work? Specifics

You may choose any day in February for your start clock to begin. Once you start, you cannot pause or change the start clock. You will select a start date and time. Your race clock will start on that day and time. For the fixed time (66.6 hours), you will have 66.6 hours to log as many miles as you care/can. You must take photos with date stamps to prove the distance you ran on the treadmill and submit evidence in a unique email thread to the race director. If registering for the 66.66k, you have a 24 hour window to complete the distance and submit for verification. For award purposes, in the 66.66k, CUMULATIVE TIME from start time will be used to determine overall winners including breaks.

All participants will receive a SIGNATURE SATAN'S SIDEWALK item.

Link to RULES:

Additionally, if you log 100 miles in the 66.6 hour, you will receive a coveted Satan's Sidewalk Belt Buckle.If you run outside or on an indoor track, or around your basement in .01 mile circles, you are DISQUALIFIED. All miles must be completed on a treadmill. Not an elliptical. Not a stationary bike. No exceptions.UPDATE: For the Frozen Folly members, the opposite is true. You must ONLY count outdoor miles. If you log any miles on a treadmill, indoor track, basement, etc. You are disqualified.

Registration costs: Because of a new California law, the displayed registration price plus Ultrasignup taxes and fees must be displayed at time of registration. This might help you answer the question "Why is registration such a weird, odd number?" Gone are the repeating 6's of yesteryear. We hope this does not dissuade you from joining the fun!

Profits will be donated at the conclusion of the event to a local charity, the AYJ Fund, who provides programs and treatment options for children facing a cancer diagnosis. No one should have to face a cancer diagnosis alone!

QUESTIONS can be emailed to RD Benn Griffin at:

THIS EVENT is SPONSORED by BURCS. Since 2013, Berkshire Ultra Running Community for Service has organized ultramarathons benefitting non-profits and charities around Berkshire County and beyond. Proceeds are donated from each event.

NO REFUNDS. If you fail to complete your event or submit proper documentation, your registration will be donated to charity.

We honor our teachers, active and retired service members, and first responders. Use code SERVICE! to save $15.

Event's current local time: 7:40 AM ET


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