2024 SOLD OUT!
Thank you to all the runners, volunteers, and sponsors for making this year's event the spectacular success that it was!
Links to the recording of our crazy, rag-tag, live feed, as well as photo galleries from Keith Facchino, and Bryan Walker Ting (to download Bryan's images use code 3538), can be found on our website homepage.
We'll see you August 16th, 2025! Registration opens February 14th.
The Race
Featuring many of Marin County's most famous trails: Coastal, Miwok, Steep Ravine, Matt Davis and Dipsea. The Tamalpa Headlands 50k, presented by NIKE Trail and the Tamalpa Runners of Marin, provides a spectacular setting for this classic, single-loop ultramarathon founded in 1998.
Just a hop and a skip from downtown San Francisco, the Tamalpa Headlands 50k is a demanding ultramarathon with approximately 6,500-feet of elevation gain featuring fast fire road running, steep climbs, flowy singletrack, technical sections and stunning views of the Bay Area, Pacific Ocean and beyond. The idyllic and beloved Santos Meadow, just south of Muir Woods, is home to the start and finish after-party of the 24th edition of this iconic Northern California Classic.
Please join us on Saturday, August 16th 2025, to enjoy all the splendor that the Marin Headlands and Mount Tamalpais has to offer in one of the country's most stunning places to celebrate the sport of ultrarunning.
Race Information, Past Results, and Course Details are also available at https://www.headlands50k.com/
Start, Time Limits, & Cutoffs
The start is 7:30AM at Santos Meadows. Not 7:29, or 7:31, but 7:30 SHARP! Vital cutoff times and locations are: Tennessee Valley- East 11:30AM (4 hours), Highway1 12:30 (5 hours), Cardiac 1st pass 2PM (6 hours 30 min.), Stinson Beach 3:30PM (8 hours), Cardiac 2nd pass 4:45PM (9 hours 15 min.), Santos Meadows Finish 5:30PM (10 hours). This important timeline can also be found on our website.
USATF National Trail 50k Championship PENDING
We're also excited to announce that we'll officially be the USATF National Trail 50k Championship. All runners who are registered members with USATF are eligible to compete for the championship. Of course you don't need to be a USATF member to race, but it would be cool. :-)
If you can't run, but want to still be a huge part of the event, volunteer options are available through the website link:
Aid Stations
The most amazing aid stations ever are located at Rodeo Beach mile 8.3, Tennessee Valley- East mile 11.5, Highway1 mile 14.8, Cardiac 1st pass 19.5, Stinson Beach mile 24.1, Cardiac 2nd pass mile 27.7, and Santos Meadows Finish.
We love dogs!!! Unfortunately, they're not allowed at Santos Meadows. PLEASE, leave your fur babies home, with a friend, or with your in-laws like we'll be doing.
Numbers must be worn on the front, visible and cannot be folded.
If you drop out of the race, please let a race official or aid station captain know.
We are a cup-free race. Runners must carry their own collapsible cup or other drinking device such as water bottles and hydration packs. THERE WILL BE NO DISPOSABLE CUPS AT ANY AID STATION.
Runners do NOT have the right of way at road crossings or on the trail. Be careful at road crossings; pay attention to course monitors and park officials. Be courteous and respectful of hikers, bikers and horses on the trail. Be quiet and cautious going past the horse stable area in Tennessee Valley; we have strict permit use restrictions for that area.
The official course is on the trails and runners will be disqualified for cutting switchbacks.
Refunds and Exchanges
50% refund if you withdraw by 06/30. No refunds thereafter. No rollovers. No exchanges permitted.
Event's current local time: 2:07 PM PT