Friday, Jul 28, 2023 @ 6:00 AM
This Event Took Place Fri. Jul 28, 2023

Crazy Mountain 100

Come explore the wild west of Montana! A Western States Qualifier! The ONLY 100 mile event in the state. With around 23,000 ft of vertical gain reaching heights of 10,200 ft. Point to Point. Primarily single track. Extreme technical descents and ascents. Long sections with no trail, two track, and the occasional forest service road, this event is one of a kind. The course is considered extremely rugged, extreme exposure, and challenging. While "hard" is relative, many expressed that this course was more challenging than they thought, and some were greeted with what they expected. Just know, if you are not accustomed to remote mountain running with scree, steep accents and descents, and all possible footing, then you may be in the "harder than expected" boat! It will test your grit and leave you feeling accomplished crossing that finish line like no other event around.

The RD is a local cattle rancher with a heavy dose of ultra running addiction mixed in, so naturally she has sought after the best REAL hand engraved finisher buckles she can find. She has years of experience with running, pacing and crewing ultra races all over the country. She has carefully and purposefully put together a race that embodies every little detail she has come to love about ultras.

The Crazy Mountain 100 has been a culmination of many people willing to come together and offer up access to their land and resources. 2 Family owned and operated cattle ranches host the start and finish. The Westling Ranch in Wilsall, MT hosting the start and the Berg Ranch hosting the finish in Lennep. We also traverse two two other private ranches, one hosting the Huntin Camp aid station, and the other providing a crucial connection for the route. These multi-generational family ranches will give you a first hand look at quality care of the land they operate in the valley.

The race course itself navigates through the Indigenous lands of the Apsaalooke, private, and public land/forest service. To the Apsaalooke people this range is called Awaxaawippíia. “Awaxaawi” Meaning Mountain. ppíia” meaning ominous or angry. Some say you can hear the mountains and the power is felt. We feel this is an important history and knowledge. Our hope is that you take the time to learn about its’ rich history.

We are an intentionally inclusive event that welcomes any and all people willing to take on the challenge. Our goal is to bring you to this wild, sacred, and unique place, and have you leave forever changed. You simply cannot experience the jagged cliffs, scree fields, and high alpine lakes, without experiencing something deep within your soul. This is sure to be the craziest race you have ever attempted.

Please refer to website for QUALIFYING criteria.

Refer to the website for the complete rules.

Race entry is $395 and entry is capped at 200 runners so enter early as this race may sell out quickly!

Race starts in Wilsall, MT just south of the corner of Porcupine Rd and Waltons Rd. There is no address here so refer to the map. Race finishes near the Ghost town of Lennep, MT on Berg Rd off of 294. Finish line also provides camping along the creek, the golden hour, and the post race celebration/awards Saturday night immediately following the end of the race in which we hope everyone attends! race ends at 6:00pm. Post race awards and celebration at 6:15pm

Event's current local time: 5:27 PM MT


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