Sunday, Jul 23, 2023
This Event Took Place Sun. Jul 23, 2023


Why run in July, in Georgia, when it is guaranteed to be hot and humid?

Because we are ultrarunners, and we don’t shy away from a challenge.

We stare it head on, fang for fang. We know that in challenge is the invitation to transform. We know that the fire makes the phoenix rise.

Start Times

Hot to Trot has two options, a 4-hour and an 8-hour, with a staggered start so everyone gets to run at the hottest part of the day.

8:00 a.m. - 8-hour
10:00 a.m. - 4-hour


8-hour - $65/$85 after June 13
4-Hour - $45/$60 after June 13

GUTS members get $5 off! You can join GUTS here



Boling Park - Canton

The course is an approximately 1 mile loop with a mixture of grass, trail and hard packed dirt. It's a flatter, more level, course with no significant elevation change. Legit. This isn’t one of those courses described as “rolling hills” that has you summiting Mount Everest. It’s chill, it’s fast, and you can rack up the miles.


There will be awards for the top 3 male and female finishers of each event.

There will also be some raffled prizes from sponsors throughout the day for all participants actively on course at the time of the raffle.

Aid Station

There will be one aid station at the start/finish. It will have water, electrolyte drink, sodas, ice, and the usual ultrarunner fare. Think chips, cookies, candy, pickes, etc. Popsicles and watermelon will probably make an appearance.

If you want anything else, bring it. Runners are welcome to set up personal tents around the start/finish.


As the name implies, you can count on it being HOT (we had a freak cold snap in 2004, but we're pretty sure that won't happen again). Temps are easily in the 90's this time of year in Georgia, with humidity off the scale. Hypo- and hyper-natremia are serious. Runners are expected to use proper hydration and electrolytes to stay alive and healthy. If you do not know how to manage your electrolytes, learn BEFORE this run, not during! The race director reserves the right to pull anyone whom she feels is putting themselves in danger.

Event's current local time: 1:57 PM ET


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