General Information
Location: Usery Mountain Regional Park
Start Time: 8:00 AM and every hour thereafter
Race Swag: Event T-shirt and another acknowledgment of your most likely DNF.
Event winner will receive a super-cool award.
Run Event: 4.1667 Mile Laps
Ruck Event: 2.3 Mile Laps
Race Details & Rules
The concept of a backyard ultra is quite simple and has been encouraged by Gary Cantrell, aka Lazarus Lake and/or Laz, who founded both Big Backyard Ultra and the Barkley Marathons.
Saguaro Showdown will follow closely to Laz’s original format. The concept is simple. It’s a last person standing race. In the end, only one Runner and one Rucker will finish the race.
There is a running race and a rucking race. You can only participate in one or the other.
At 0800 hours on Saturday, we will start a race and will use the local trails to complete the daytime loop that is 4.1667 miles (Runners) and 2.5 miles (Ruckers).
Each Runner and Rucker has exactly one-hour to complete the loop. We will start another race at 0900 hours, where Runners and Ruckers race around the same 4.1667 or 2.5 mile trail loop. The same will be done at 1000, 1100, 1200 and so on, every hour on the hour.
Runners and Ruckers must be standing in the start line corral when the next race starts. If you are out of the corral, you can not continue. Runners and Ruckers will also not continue if they self-eliminate. No late starts are allowed once the bell is rung.
The Saguaro Showdown will continue until only one runner remains. At that point, the last Runner and Rucker must complete a loop on their own. If they can complete the loop then that person is the winner for either the Run or Ruck race. All other runners are considered Did Not Finish (DNF).
At 2000 hours, the races will be moved to an out-and-back course on the road. This will continue in likewise fashion every hour. At 0800 hours the next morning, the races will continue on the trail loop.
Flow for the Start of Each Race:
3 Whistles blown means - 3 minutes until start
2 Whistles blown means - 2 minutes until start
1 Whistle blown means 1 minute until start
RD announcements are at 30 seconds
RD counts down the last 10 seconds and a race begins at the ring of a bell.
Once the bell is rung, runners may not visit their crew, their tent, their vehicle or receive aid from anyone. Runners must stay on the course once the bell is rung. The only reason for leaving the course once the bell is rung is to use the portable toilets.
Once you finish your loop you may choose to do what you want, but must be back in the corral before the bell rings.
Runners will need to provide their own aid. Crews are permitted, but not necessary, and may leave and come back if needed.
There will be a space next to the start and finish line to set up a chair, cooler, and other small personal gear. Overnight is permitted.
Any runner that DNF’s must immediately vacate the start/finish line to allow the remaining Runners and Ruckers to move closer.
DNF runners are encouraged to continue to watch and support other participants still in the races.
Portable Toilets will be located just after the start line.
Backyard 24 Special Rules
The Backyard 24 would not be an open-ended race. Everyone who makes it to 24 hours is tied for first. There is no single "winner" if no single runner completes the run. If there is only one runner, the sole runner may continue to finish 24 hours. This is a great way to learn about the backyard ultra format without "gearing up" for the full race.
Ruck Requirements
Core weight is defined as the total weight of your ruck and the weight used to achieve the minimum weight requirements. This does not include things like water and food or other equipment.
If you weigh greater than 150 pounds, then your core weight is 30 pounds.
If you weigh less than 150 pounds, then your core weight is 20 pounds.
There is no male/female variance, just body/ruck core weights.
Choose to Fundraise
The Board of Directors really hope that each participant would consider fundraising for our cause. Instead of paying the registration fee, you can opt to fundraise. If you raise over the $125 minimum, your race entry will be free. We are shooting for an overall fundraising goal of $3000.00. You can raise funds by lap or straight donations. Think out of the box and be creative in how you raise funds. Message us for more details.
Event's current local time: 9:03 PM MT