October 12 - 13, 2024

Sasquatch Shuffle

McCall, ID Triple Threat, 50K, 30K, 20K

This Event Took Place Sun. Oct 13, 2024


The in-person event is scheduled for October 11-12, 2025. There is also a separate registration page for a virtual option in 2025: Check the linked Endless Trails events for that registration page.


For the 2025 in-person event, we may have a number of Covid precautions in place, including social distancing in communal areas (such as at check-in and the aid station). If these precautions are too much for you, we ask that you stick to the virtual event (available on a separate registration page). Thank you for your part in helping protect our respective communities!

Race Registration Fee Notice

Please note: While the registration button displays the all-in price, including fees, you'll see these fees removed during checkout. Our race director has generously opted to cover all processing fees for participants.


Join us for the seventh annual Sasquatch Shuffle 50k/30k/20k/Triple Threat, including the new 50/50: A brilliantly beautiful set of FUNdraising fun runs through one of the best parks in Idaho, for as many miles as you see fit! ALL proceeds/registration fees go to Ponderosa State Park trails via Friends of Ponderosa and Endless Trails.

As McCall locals who also founded a trail-centric non-profit (Endless Trails) in 2013, RDs Matt & Kerri log hundreds of trail work hours in the Park each year, and are passionate about creating fun, low-key events for trails. This is a sister race of the Sharlie Shuffle 6- & 12-Hour, which will be eight years old in 2025.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2025: 8 AM 50K
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2025: 8 AM 30K; 2 PM 20K

Sign up and run whichever distance most appeals to you—if you're feeling particularly brave, you can even sign up to run all three (see below for more information on the Triple Threat option!). Every single runner will get something awesome simply for showing up to run, but this isn't your typical plastic/throwaway medal sort of event.

In addition to being heaps of F-U-N, and a great way to challenge yourself as the trail-running season starts wrapping up, we also avidly support local businesses, which means as many prizes as possible will come from the McCall area.


Are you brave or foolish enough to take on all three distances? Register for the Triple Threat option and you'll automatically be registered for all three distances. We'll keep track of all Triple Threat participants' cumulative time and have special prizes for everyone who successfully completes all three race distances. Think of this as a great way to give yourself a great end-of-season challenge and really get to know what you can do!

THE NEW 50/50

For those of you wanting something different, we're adding a new challenge in 2025: The 50/50. 50/50 runners will, like Triple Threat runners, run a 50k on Saturday. Instead of running a 30k Sunday morning and a 20k Sunday afternoon, however, they'll run a second 50k on Sunday, starting at 8 am and with the same 40k cutoff at 4 pm.


As McCall locals, these are our beloved backyard trails, which means we're very passionate about them, and extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with Ponderosa State Park to ensure these trails get the continued love and support they need to thrive.

This race, like all of our other Endless Trails and Friends of Ponderosa FUNdraising trail races, is a fundraiser for local trails, so any and all funds that don't go to permitting fees/awesome aid and prizes will go straight to work back in Ponderosa State Park via our Northwest 501(c)3 non-profit—to support ongoing trail work, trail education, and trail advocacy. We'll be accepting cash and check donations on the day of the event, too, and you'll also have the option to make an additional donation to Endless Trails as you're registering. Every little bit helps, and all of it goes back to work done in Ponderosa! Which means you can feel doubly good about your registration fees and any additional donations you make being put to good use. It also means we'll give you extra air-fives of gratitude every chance we get.


Race day is Saturday, October 11th for the 50k (8 am start), Sunday, October 12th for the 30k (8 am start) and 20k (2 pm start), or both if you're Triple Threat top dogs or 50/50 fools! We can't wait to see you challenge yourself, though, on the 6.79-mile Sasquatch loop (for those of you doing the math at home, yes, that means you'll get a little bit of extra credit for your run). We can't wait to watch you rock it!


We know this page is full of information, but if you still have questions, feel free to check the Sasquatch Shuffle race page—http://www.endlesstrails.us/sasquatch-shuffle.html—to see if your question might already be answered there. If it's not, feel free to shoot us an email at allthetrails[at]gmail[dot]com.

Hope to see you in October!

*Prices include US sales tax and UltraSignup fees. All registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable to other events. All proceeds go to trail work and trail advocacy via Endless Trails, a 501(c)3 non-profit for trails.*

Event's current local time: 11:08 PM MT


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