Sunday, Apr 7, 2024 @ 7:30 AM

Saint Marys Lake Trail Series

21250 Camp Cosoma Road

Leonardtown, MD 50K, 34K, 17K

This Event Took Place Sun. Apr 7, 2024

Trails and Event Venue

Situated at the northern end of the St. Mary's River watershed, Saint Mary’s Lake is a 250 acre freshwater lake with a 7.5 mile main route along the lake, and approximately 8 miles of additional trails in the connected Salem Forest. The trail system is only a few miles from your typical chain shops and stores as well as many local restaurants and amenities. The trail itself is very tranquil, surrounded mainly by forests with some sections (~½ mile) backing up to neighborhoods.

The trail series will be 1, 2, or 3 laps of an ~10.5 mile loop along the lake perimeter and into Salem Forest. The main aid station will be located at the main entrance to St Marys Lake (also the start/finish of the event) on Camp Cosoma Road. A second aid station will be located approximately halfway through the loop at the Salem Forest parking lot on Indian Bridge Road.

The route is comprised of ~75% single track dirt/root/rock/wooden bridge, 20% forest road, and 5% crushed gravel along the dam. A gpx file of the route provided here ( and trail markings will be present. Depending on conditions, some mud and wet sections may be present that can usually be avoided while staying on the trail. There are no significant climbs or descents, but there are several small hills that total ~500ft of elevation gain/descent on each lap.

The trail is generally fast and is a great venue for a first trail race or expanding your current distance goals. Check-in for all distances begins at 0700 (adjusted from 0630). All distances will begin at 0800 (adjusted from 0730) and will have a cutoff time of 1630 (8.5 hours). Runners are required to begin their final lap by 1330 or will be asked to run independently of the race event for the remainder.

During the event, the trail system will continue to be available to the general public, but is not generally busy. Mountain bikers, walkers/runners, leashed pets, and horseback riders may join you on the trails.

The day use service charge for the main entrance (start / finish on Camp Cosoma Road) is credit-card only, $3/vehicle for Maryland residents. Out-of-state residents add $2. Charges are collected at the automated gate system at the entrance. While there should be ample parking, we request carpooling to the maximum extent possible to leave room for other park users. Parking in the grass or along the road is not allowed. Passholders (Maryland Passport, Golden Age and Universal Disability) may contact the park office at 301-872-5688 or by email ( to receive an additional swipe card that allows free entry through the automated gate system located at the Lake Area of the park. More information about the park can be found here (

Event Style

Consider this event as equivalent to a supported long run with aid, food, markings, timing, and an organized event to join your friends on a new trail. Food and drinks will be provided at the aid stations and start/finish, and runners are encouraged to bring anything additional they would like to share with fellow runners. Expect your normal trail foods and drinks. The minimal cost of the race will be used to cover event insurance, permit, registration, etc. and as much food as possible. The event is limited to 100 participants across the three races.

Aid Stations and Drop Bags

The main aid station will be at the start/finish at the main Saint Mary’s Lake entrance on Camp Cosoma Road. The park has ample parking for the race event as well as toilet facilities. In the event of inclement weather, the Race Director will provide a SMALL 10x10 covering. Expect WARM food and drink at this aid station. This aid station will be staffed.

The second aid station will be located at either the Salem Forest entrance on Indian Bridge Road (“Salem Forest Lot 1” on google maps… or the Salem Forest entrance on Point Lookout Road ("Salem Forest Lot 2" on google maps.... These locations are lightly used entrances to the park. Runners can have a drop bag brought to this aid station by race staff or personal means, but are asked to recover the bag after completing the event. Recommend not leave anything too valuable in the bag as the station may not be staffed continuously. Expect food, drink, and porta potty at this aid station. This aid station will be “closed” at 1500 (7.5 hours for ~25 miles in the 50k) and all supplies returned to the main aid station by ~1530.

Weather, Contingencies, Changing Distances

February in Southern Maryland can be very variable in weather, both temperature and conditions. As long as the park is open, the event will be held.

As there are direct costs to host an event like this, refunds will not be issued. However please be courteous to the event staff and let us know if for any reason you decide to drop so we can plan accordingly on food.

All distances will start at 0800. You are welcome to reduce or increase your distance at any time during the event, just be sure to notify the event staff of the distance you completed for recording purposes. Your final lap must begin before 1330 or you'll be asked to run your last lap independent of the race event.

Event's current local time: 12:20 AM ET


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