Friday, Jul 18, 2025 @ 8:00 AM
Registration closes: Thu, Jul 10 @ 11:59 PM MT

Dare Mighty Things

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."

-Theodore Roosevelt

Elevation Gain: 41,862 Feet

Fourteen Climbs, One Truly Bad@$$ Buckle



With ~42k feet of gain for the 100 miler, this will be one of the most difficult things you ever attempt. Lucky for you, Ouray (dubbed the "Switzerland of America") is also one of the most beautiful places in the world. Situated in the rugged and stunning San Juan Mountain range in southwest Colorado, your senses will be just as overwhelmed with the views as your quads and lungs are with the relentless climbs. When you top out at the Bridge of Heaven after the final 5,000 foot climb, you will know it is all downhill to Fellin Park where your big belt buckle and the Ouray Hot Springs await.

Service Requirement

Each participant is required to complete (8) hours of volunteer service prior to July 1.

This can be volunteering at a trail ultramarathon or performing physical trail work. Crewing/pacing/coaching do not qualify.

Opt Out Fee - Participants may opt out of the service requirement by making a $100 donation to Ouray Trail Group. This option is available at checkout.

Entrants who have not submitted their service form or paid the opt out fee by July 10 will forfeit their registration fee and not be permitted to participate in the event. No exceptions.

Service form can be found on our website (

No Longer UTMB Qualifier

Beginning in 2022, we will no longer go through the process to be a UTMB qualifier.

Cash Purse / Drug Testing

Top male 100 mile finisher will receive $1,000. Top female 100 mile finisher will receive $1,250. The payment of these cash awards will be subject to the results of urine and/or blood testing that will be administered to winners immediately after the event. Banned substances tested for will include (but not be limited to) steroids, testosterone, EPO, and THC. (Fear not, Colorado people. Only THC levels above the threshold of 150 ng/ml will trigger a positive result. Doping agencies chose that threshold so that out-of-competition use should not trigger a positive result. In other words, lay off the magic brownies prior to and during the event.)


Thursday, 7/17/25, Fellin Park (look for a gazebo)
4:00 - 7:00 PM - Early packet pickup
6:00 PM - Brief pre-race talk (optional, but super useful for learning things like where mountain lions have denned near trails)

Friday, 7/18/25, Fellin Park
7:00 - 7:45 AM - Race day packet pickup/runner check-in for 100 milers
8:00 AM - 100 mile start (52 hour cutoff)

Sunday, 7/20/25, Fellin Park
11:00 AM - Formal drug testing samples collected from 1st place finisher (***winners may also be required to provide urine and/or blood samples after crossing the finish line***)
12:00 PM - Cutoff for official finish, both events
12:30 PM - Award ceremony

Live Tracking

Racers will be required to carry a SPOT tracker during the race. (We will provide this, even if you already own one.) Runners' locations will be updated every five minutes.

No Whining

Non Laurus Luctatio

“Not the prize but the struggle”

This event is about as tough as they come while still being doable. It's low key, no frills, and old school. This event goes against the grain of the everyone's-a-winner, participant-trophy nonsense that seems to be creeping into the sport. If you survive this bad boy, you'll uneventfully pass through two orange cones and be handed a cold piece of metal you can wear on a belt. With pride.

Ironton Clause

Jason Pecoraro, creator of the Ironton Clause, which goes something like this: “If your candy @$$ drops from the race before leaving Ironton, you better get back over to Fellin and help support / pace some other runner to the finish.”

You'll Get the Best Vert of Your Life

Podium Awards Laser Cut from Genuine Traffic Cones

Event's current local time: 5:19 PM MT


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