The Race
27th Annual Rockin K Trail Runs
Kanopolis Lake State Park, Kansas
Saturday April 5, 2025
50K Trail Run, Trail Marathon, 21 mile and 4 mile
Packet pick-up Friday 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm. See more information below
Post race food with vegetarian option will be available at the Corral shelter finish
Technical blend t-shirt - mens and ladies sizes
50K, Marathon, 21 Mile, 4 Mile and canine finishers awards*.
7:00 AM Start for 50K, Marathon and 21 mile. 7:30 AM Start for 4 mile.***
Participation limited to 120 for all races combined. Entries accepted on a first received basis.
$5.00 discount to KUS members. As it has always been our policy, No refunds. However your entry may be held over for one year if race director is notified in writing, by midnight March 15, 2025. After March 15, 50% carryover credit if notified before online registration closes. No refund, or carryover credit after online registration closes. We will acknowledge receipt of your request by email. If you do not receive a timely response send us another message. We cannot be held responsible for late, lost, misdirected email, messages, letters or other communication. No race day entry.
.Kansas Ultrarunners Society, KUS, reserves the right to change any of these measures or implement new ones, as needed or required to follow local Health Department guidelines.** General Race Precautions
Races will be limited to participants, pacers, crew, KUS personnel and volunteers.
High touch points in race headquarters and on surfaces and in bathrooms will be sanitized regularly. As well as encouraging best practices for hand washing and coughing or sneezing.
Hand sanitizer will be available at each aid station.
Pre-Race Precautions
All runners, pacers, crew, volunteers, and spectators are to arrive healthy. A touchless thermometer will be available to use for anyone in question. Anyone who does not feel well or has any of the following symptoms should Please STAY HOME:
Fever (100.4)
Shortness of Breath
Muscle Aches
Sore Throat
Loss of Taste or Smell
Precautions During the Race
Runners and crews will be encouraged to remain in their group.
Runners should not linger at upon entering aid station. Which has always been good advice.
Volunteers will assist in refilling your hydration pack/bottles.
Food will be available as always, but may be limited in how it is served.
Sanitized wipes and hand sanitizer will be available.
“We have taken enhanced health and safety measures – for you, our runners, pacers and crew our volunteers and KUS members. You must follow all posted instructions while attending the Rockin'K Races. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and guests with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. By choosing to attend the Rockin'K Races, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.” In addition, Kansas Ultrarunners Society., cannot prevent you (or your child(ren)) from becoming exposed to, contracting, or spreading COVID-19 while participating in KUS events. It is not possible to prevent against the presence of the disease. Therefore, if you choose to participate in a KUS sanctioned event, you may be exposing yourself to and/or increasing your risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19. BY ATTENDING OR PARTICIPATING IN THIS COMPETITION, YOU VOLUNTARILY ASSUME ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH EXPOSURE TO COVID-19 AND FOREVER RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS KUS AND EACH OF THEIR OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES OR OTHER REPRESENTATIVES FROM ANY LIABILITY OR CLAIMS INCLUDING FOR PERSONAL INJURIES, DEATH, DISEASE OR PROPERTY LOSSES, OR ANY OTHER LOSS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CLAIMS OF NEGLIGENCE AND GIVE UP ANY CLAIMS YOU MAY HAVE TO SEEK DAMAGES, WHETHER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN, FORESEEN OR UNFORESEEN, IN CONNECTION WITH EXPOSURE, INFECTION, AND/OR SPREAD OF COVID-19 RELATED TO PARTICIPATION IN THIS COMPETITION.
The Rockin'K trail run is four interconnected loop trails. These are the Horsethief Canyon Trail, Prairie Trail, Alum Creek Trail, and Big Bluff loops. Horsethief Canyon connects to Prairie Trail at Gate #1; Prairie Trail connects to Alum Creek Trail at gate #2 ; Alum Creek connects to the Big Bluff loop at gate #6. A simplistic description of the run is that you are going to run the north half of each loop going out, and the south half of each loop coming back.
The Rockin'K loop is the marathon loop. 21 mile runners will not run the Big Bluff Loop. All other runners will complete this loop. The 50K runners will run the Big Bluff loop a second time from the gate 6 aid station, before heading back to the finish at the Corral shelter.
The 4 mile course loops from the Corral shelter to Horsethief Canyon and back to the Corral shelter.
Contingency Plan
If severe weather conditions exist, (lightning, tornado, excessive snow or ice, etc.,) at the start, we will delay the start until conditions are safe. Cutoff times may be extended as appropriate, or as conditions allow. Also as conditions allow it may be necessary to shorten the race. In very rare conditions the race could possibly be canceled. Keep in mind our first priority is safety of all, participants, volunteers, crew and spectators.
There are about 10 gates that you will go through during each loop. These are large welded
metal gates. Some of the gates are blocked open, others you will have to open yourself, and
close behind you, or you can climb over. Please close gates behind you. The wind can damage
unblocked gates. Some of the gates have number signs on them, some do not.
HORSES ONLY ----- We have permission, as part of our event permit, to use HORSES ONLY
trails. Ignore this sign.
CLOSED TRAIL ---- there are several trail sections closed due to erosion, we are not running on
any CLOSED TRAILS, if you do you are lost.
RESTRICTED ACCESS - This is up at Indian Rock to protect the petroglyphs from vandals. If
you see this sign you are well off trail and lost.
RESTRICTED AREA - This sign is up along the trail behind the eagle hack towers. The trail is
open to the public, but stay away from the eagle hack towers.
PRIVATE LAND - you will be running by lots of signs attached to the fences that say PRIVATE
LAND, or PRIVATE PROPERTY. This means the other side of the fence is a private ranch. If
you cross the fence you may find out how fast a bull really is.
WILDLIFE REFUGE, WATERFOWL REFUGE - Certain areas are closed to the public from
November through February during the migratory bird season. This is not in effect now. Pay no
attention to them.
Rules: General trail running rules apply
1. Horses have the right of way, they are bigger than you are, a startled horse could run over
you. Give the riders a yell a long way before you overtake them, they will generally get off trail
for you.
2. If you go off trail, backtrack until you find a marker, then run the trail, do not cut the course, I
don't care how many extra miles you did, if you do not run the course you do not finish.
3. Notify race official at Start/Finish or at the Manned Aid Station if you drop.
4. Switching race distances - Switching race distances must be done by FRIDAY NIGHT. You must complete the race distance you start. No dropping down on race day or you will be LISTED AS DNF.
5. Do not complain to us if you get a ticket for not buying a day use permit. You drove by at least two signs that told you to buy one. Our event permit does not buy you, or us, entrance into the park. We have to buy vehicle permits too. The cost is about $5 unless you have a Kansas State Park Annual Permit which covers use all year round.
Course Markings
You will follow PINK RIBBONS all the way out to the manned aid station at the Gate
#6 and all the way around the Big Bluff loop. When you get back to Gate #6 you will follow
ORANGE RIBBONS all the way to the finish. There are numerous other markings on the trail. Pay no attention to these; the horse riders put these up these are cloth. Our ribbons are vinyl/plastic. The trail crosses itself a few times so you will be running by both pink ribbons and orange at the same time. Pay attention, if you have not reached the manned aid station at Gate #6, stick with PINK. If you are coming back in stay with ORANGE. When we
put out markers we try to put them up so that when you passed one ribbon the next marker
would be in view. In any case you should never have to run more than a couple of minutes
without seeing a marker. If you see markers spaced every couple of feet we are trying to warn
you that there is some kind of trail crossing happening. Be aware that you take the correct fork.
We will have several fence crossings in the Big Bluffs loop. There are blankets/tarps over the
barbwire strands at the places you need to cross the fences. The top strand has been taken
down; please step over the fence there. The blanket will protect your hands and clothing from
the barbs. For those folks unacquainted with crossing a barbwire fence, simply push down on
the blanket, it will give enough for you to step over.
Cutoff & Time Limit
All runners must depart Gate 6 aid station heading to the finish by 4:00 p.m. 12 hour time limit for all races, except 3 hours for the 4 mile.
Final cutoff time is 7:00 p.m.
Crews and Pacers
Crews/handlers are welcome at the Gate #6 manned aid station, however Gate #6 is not
accessible by vehicle. Park on the road at the range gate and walk 1/2 mile up the fence line, the aid
station is beyond the top of the hill. Large cattle ranches bound the trail. There
are no other vehicle access points. If it should happen to rain, the road to the Gate #6 fence
crossing becomes very bad, very quickly, in wet weather. If it rains, we ask crews that they
not come out to the Gate 6 aid station. If you drive out you will need 4-wheel drive and a
high clearance vehicle and it is at your own risk. We have runners to take care of; you are
on your own if you proceed down this road if it is wet.
Pacers - no pacers allowed.
Drop Bags
Drop bags will be taken race morning in the designated areas at the shelter, you may not leave them the night before. You must mark your drop bag with your name, number, (bib numbers will be posted shortly after online registration closes,) and which race you are in, ( 50K, Marathon or 21 mile.) If your bag is not marked with YOUR NAME, NUMBER AND THE RACE YOU ARE RUNNING IN, it will stay at the Gate 6 aid station until it closes! We attempt to return drop bags throughout the day, however this may not be timely as we still have runners to take care of. You are welcome to drive to the parking area and walk in to pick up your bag if you would like it sooner.
There will be a camping style toilet at the Gate #6 aid station. 1 porta-pottie out on the Big
Bluff loop. Along with porta-potties and real bathrooms at Start/Finish.
Dogs On Course
We do not have a rule against dogs on the Rockin'K course. However owners must keep their dogs on a leash at all times, and must not interfere with the progress of other runners. Please only one dog per runner. Owners also need to be aware the Kanopolis lake trails are open to the public. You may encounter other hikers, other dogs, and possibly horses. Keep this responsibility in mind when considering bringing your pup along. Please let us know if you are planning on running with your pup, as we have finisher awards for them in the longer races.
Frequently Asked Questions
.AID: There will be at least 2 well-stocked manned aid stations at approximately 13 and 18 miles on the (marathon) plus 23 miles on the second loop (50K). Weather permitting there will be water and electrolyte drink at an unmanned aid station at approximately 7 and 20 miles for the Marathon; 7 and 26 miles for the 50K. Note: The area between the un-manned and manned aid stations has no access points for handlers. It is all deep in four wheel drive country, if bad weather conditions exist then we may not be able to set up the unmanned aid station. Three to four water bottles are recommended if this water station isn’t set up.
WEATHER: Historical extremes in temperature range from a minimum low of 14°F to a maximum high of 84°F, conditions can include extremes of snow to heat and humidity. Please prepare and pack accordingly.
PACKET PICKUP: Race headquarters will be located at the Corral shelter house at the Rockin K campgrounds. Follow the signs through the park to the campgrounds. Pre-race registration and packet pick-up will be held from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. on Friday April 4, 2025, or packets may be picked up starting at 5:00 am, before the pre race meeting at 6:30 AM race morning,
LUNCH: Hamburgers and brauts, (vegetarian available) after the race. All entrants are invited to post race lunch (one guest will be served free; additional guests are $5.00 each).
START: The race starts and finishes at the Corral Shelter area. Mandatory pre-race briefing starts at 6:30 race morning. You must check in with race officials that morning, even if you have picked up your packet on Friday evening. If you are not checked in you are not in the race.
AWARDS: Top three finishers for both male and female in each race, plus awards to all finishers. Finisher’s awards may be picked up from Race officials before you leave. Please talk to race officials for your award before you leave the area.
FACILITIES: Camping and electric hookup located throughout the park.
CONTACT: Elden Galano, 11440 W. 1st st. ct., Wichita, KS 67212, 316-207-5050, email Race information at
Take I-35 North from Wichita to Exit 72, Roxbury, Lindsborg, about 60 miles. Take Exit 72, go west to the Hwy 4 junction at Lindsborg, about 4 miles, follow Hwy 4 through Lindsborg and back west to Hwy 141 junction about 16 miles. Turn north on 141 go about 7 miles to the Dam, go across the Dam and take the first left turn into Kanopolis State Park.
From the east:
From Salina take Hwy 140 (sometimes called Old 40) west about 20 miles to the Hwy 141 Intersection. Turn south on 141 about 10 miles to the Kanopolis State Park intersection.
From the west:
From Ellsworth take Hwy 140 (sometimes called Old 40) east 14 miles to the Hwy 141 intersection. Turn south on 141 about 10 miles to the Kanopolis State Park intersection.
At the lake:
Shortly after turning on this road it will V and you will take the right fork and follow through the park, past the park office, to a T intersection. At the T take a left and then the first right to the Corral shelter house on the hill. There is a sign at the T intersection for the Rockin K campgrounds
Event's current local time: 4:12 PM CT